Community sexual health education program

We have a well-established and well respected comprehensive sexual health education program which offers sexual health education programming to schools, as well as workshops for community groups, parents, and other community members in the Greater Victoria area. In the 2023/2024 year, we facilitated education to 20,000+ participants in 800+ workshops in the Greater Victoria area. All of our classroom education sessions follow the curriculum as outlined by BC Ministry of Education Physical and Health Education and the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education.

Education logo: Education at Island Sexual Health, community health centre.

Workshops, courses & more

To find out more information about or to book sexual health workshops:

We are nearly fully booked for the 2024/2025 school year as of January 23rd, 2025. We are accepting schools for a waitlist but cannot promise that we will be able to facilitate sessions before the end of the school year.

We believe in taking a preventative and positive approach to sexuality and sexual health. Our comprehensive workshops support health literacy and healthy decision-making for participants of all ages, genders, orientations, backgrounds, and beliefs and values.

We are the only organization in Victoria able to offer subsequent clinical support (Bleed/Birth Control; STI prevention PrEP and PEP, testing, treatment and support; Pregnancy Testing and Pro choice decision making, Supported Sexual Health Exams; Gender Affirming Care) to participants who require it following a workshop.

About our workshops

Program goals

To support all participants with access to current and factual information with the intention to promote positive sexuality and choices, to prevent negative outcomes such as unintentional pregnancies, exposure to sexually transmitted infections and sexual exploitation and to create inclusive spaces where all feel seen and valued. All programming is designed to be interactive, participant centred, and uses inclusive language to recognize the diversity of identity, expression, and orientation. All of our classroom education sessions follow the curriculum as outlined by BC Ministry of Education Physical and Health Education and the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education.

We support the great work being done with our community partner agencies such as:

Sexual health education workshops for Grades 4-Adult

We offer a variety of workshops to meet the needs and interests of specific groups based on subject matter, age level, and time available.

**ISHS fully support the SOGI inclusive education initiatives as outlined by the BC Ministry of Education and ground all of our education in gender and orientation diverse  approaches. Please see our position statement (PDF) on SOGI education for more information.**

ISHS Workshop Focuses Grades 4-5

Maturation education topics follow the BC Ministry of Education’s Physical and Health Education curriculum. Workshops are structured to include the following :

  • Body Science – Reproductive Systems and Puberty
  • Healthy relationships, communication and consent
  • Building self-esteem and understanding ourselves including identity
  • Keeping bodies safe and healthy
  • Identifying Trusted Adults and community

To request a workshop for grade 4 or 5 students, please complete this request form and one of our educators will follow up with you.

ISHS Workshop Focuses Grades 6-12

Middle and High School education topics follow the BC Ministry of Education’s Physical and Health Education curriculum. Workshop can be built to include the following topics:

Grades 6 and 7 workshops focus on

  • Puberty Review
  • Healthy Relationships, Consent
  • Changing Bodies, Changing Feelings including identity and orientation
  • Mapping of Support Resources (Trusted Adults, other reputable sources of info)

To request a workshop for grade 6 or 7, please complete this form.

Grades 8-12 workshops can be built to include the following topics:

  • Sexual decision making
  • Birth/Bleed Control options
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Safer Sex Methods
  • Pregnancy (using the “empathy belly”)

Read more (PDF)

Youth Training

ISHS is proud to offer comprehensive sexual health training for youth in peerhelping and leadership classes and other community groups. Training is typically delivered over 9-12 hours and includes detailed information on contraception, sexually transmitted infection risk reduction, healthy relationships, decision making, community resources and what to expect during a sexual health exam.

Parent Education Workshop Brochure

Brochure (PDF)

The Approachable and Knowledgeable Adult workshop can be tailored to meet the needs of specific age groups (Pre-school through late adolescence) and includes the following information:

  • The stages of childhood sexual development & what children should know at each stage
  • Teaching tips and specific examples of ways to explain bodies, feelings, & body processes
  • Strategies for answering the tough questions children ask
  • Tips for incorporating family values, beliefs, religion, and culture into sexuality education
  • Resources for parents to review and information to take home

See also our tips for parents talking to kids about sexual health.

Resources for Parents/Families/Adult Allies/Champions/Educators

  • Here’s a list of websites that can be used by adults who are supporting and working with children and youth.
  • Here’s a reading list that offers titles for children, youth, and their caregivers.
  • Here’s a resource for Educators looking for teaching resources. The resource is from Alberta Health Services but the learning outcomes align well with BC’s Physical and Health Education.


The ISH Education Team knows that quality sexuality education is only effective when the sessions are relevant, engaging, and inclusive. We believe that all people have the right to better understand their bodies, their identities, and their feelings in spaces that are affirming, safe and supportive. Our facilitators bring a variety of academic, professional, and lived experiences to their work but all share a passion for working with community members to create learning spaces that are inclusive, respectful and celebratory. Sexual health education is an essential foundation of lifelong well-being and vitality.

Feedback on Island Sexual Health Education

“Your facilitators are open, approach these areas of life with integrity, inclusion and enthusiasm. Thank you for all you do for our youth. – Parent, Elementary School.

“I have had lots of sexual health speeches since elementary school and none of them approached the topic of sexuality so inclusively and respectfully. Thank you.” Grade 10 participant.

“Thank you for talking about gender and orientation diversity. It made me feel so safe and comfortable.” – Grade 6 participant.