External (male) Condoms
External or male condoms are also known as:
- rubbers
- connies
- Trojans or other brand names
- many other nicknames
An external condom is a latex sheath that is placed onto an erect penis to collect semen and protect against sharing bodily fluids.
Used properly, condoms protect against pregnancy as well as most sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS. The best STI and HIV protection is a lubricated, non-spermicidal latex condom without nonoxynol-9.
- See our condom instructions to learn how to use condoms properly.
Condoms are cheap and easy to find
You can buy condoms at any drugstore as well as some convenience stores. They are also available in some public washrooms, community centres, youth spaces, school counselling offices and health clinics.
You can also drop in and pick up free condoms at any of our clinics. We carry regular, flavoured, coloured, different sized, non-lubricated, latex, and non-latex condoms. We give away small quantities of condoms for free, or you can buy them from us in bulk.
What if I have a latex allergy?
Non-latex, polyurethane condoms are available at drugstores and for a discounted price at our clinics. Older style sheepskin condoms do not protect against HIV/AIDS and other infections. Internal condoms are always made from non latex.